horses in the new forest

Creative by Nature Trail quiz

We are fortunate enough that our office at NHS Creative is situated on the Ashurst hospital site, overlooking open woodland in the heart of the New Forest National Park. As such we’re often able to observe a wide variety of wildlife, and we’ve had more than a few encounters with the local residents. We really are ‘Creative by Nature’ in every sense of the word.


As a team we are mostly working from home during the Covid-19 pandemic (where we encounter an entirely different form of wild life!), so this blog is dedicated to celebrating the wildlife of the New Forest, including a quiz to test your knowledge of the natural world.


Perfect cow symmetry, observed from our office window



Sometimes wildlife of a more exotic variety finds its way into our office!


This period of lockdown has seen a rise in the popularity of online quizzes, so always being one to jump on the bandwagon – here’s my Creative by Nature Trail quiz…


Can you name the top five animal visitors to the office of NHS Creative?


Quiz question 1:

Often seen in our car park on an early start or late finish, can you name the particular species of this ‘dear’ New Forest resident?


Quiz question 2:

Caught here sunning himself on our patio, this reptilian fellow caused much surprise when he later entered our office and scurried under our desks.


Quiz question 3:

This colourful character was a far more welcome visitor, pictured here on the inside of one of our windows.


Quiz question 4:

Definitely the loudest animal visitor to date, this bird could be seen (and heard) patrolling the outside of our office for several days.


Quiz question 5:

Another reptilian visitor, this one caused the most consternation of all by actually slithering into our office, before thankfully returning to the undergrowth


So can you name all five animals?


Whilst you’re pondering, here’s a little bit of light entertainment – our account manager Keith doing his full matador impression, after Daisy the cow sneaked through the fence to sample the longer grass outside our office:



That was a day in the office that will live long in the memory. And now, here are the answers – how well did you do?



1: Roe deer

2. Common lizard

3. Peacock butterfly

4. Guinea fowl

5. Adder


I hope you enjoyed our Creative by Nature Trail quiz. No animals were harmed in the creation of this quiz (not even the guinea fowl).


creative by nature


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