We’re pleased to announce that Sarah Delbridge, Communications Officer for Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust, is the lucky winner
Can you imagine what goes into making a simple 90 second film? Perhaps more than you might think…
…perhaps not the most obvious objects to associate with promoting the uptake of cervical screening appointments.
You don’t have to hug a tree to get close to nature.
We helped East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust take centre stage at the recent Emergency Services Show 2018 in the Birmingham NEC.
The offices of NHS Creative has received its last fax. That familiar ‘BEEP!’ after the scrolling of the paper reel has been an occasional novelty sound in our studio for as long as I can remember, but it’s now firmly a thing of the past.
This photo was taken at the launch event of a truly unique and highly creative campaign entitled: ‘Help Aggie the Alien find her way around the NHS’.
The term ‘mobilising a website’ took on a whole new meaning as we built and helped to launch a website for the Gloucestershire Wheelchair Assessment Service recently.