Coming to a cinema near you
NHS Creative developed and project managed a campaign that launched in June 2023 across 59 cinemas in the South East of England.
It’s an innovative new recruitment campaign that raises the profile of the health visiting and school nursing workforce. The films feature over 50 staff from the health visiting and school nursing teams across the South East, and are the result of a huge collaborative effort by the South East 0-19 Workforce Project.
“We want more specialist public health nurses to join our south east workforce and these films showcase these critical roles, featuring real life clinicians who are passionate about the jobs they do,” says John Clark, Head of Nursing and Midwifery for the South East.
“We hope to encourage existing or prospective nurses to consider specialist public health nursing as a career, as well as to reach out to others who may have left the profession, to consider returning to practice.”
Health visitors and school nurses use their specialist knowledge and skills to help protect and improve the health of new parents, children, young people and their families. The roles are varied and include undertaking development reviews, promoting physical and mental health, child development, social needs and safeguarding.
“Our objective was to represent as many different aspects of the two roles as possible, across the whole of the South East region,” says Steve Hubbard, Advertising and Marketing Manager at NHS Creative. “This required in a total of seven different filming days across five counties. We shot in schools, universities, children’s centres, family clinics, and people’s homes. The logistics were challenging, but it’s that sheer range and variety of footage that gives the films their richness. They’ve been really positively received by the 0-19 workforce project team and it has been an extremely rewarding campaign to work on.”
To find out more, visit these pages:
• southeastclinicalnetworks.nhs.uk/health-visiting-south-east
• southeastclinicalnetworks.nhs.uk/school-nursing-south-east