Pills, a purple cat called Mister Soft, turquoise scooters and turkeys…
Could this mean the return of our favourite character with the big round yellow head? If you hadn’t already guessed – Mo is back!
Could this mean the return of our favourite character with the big round yellow head? If you hadn’t already guessed – Mo is back!
…Running that is!
Following on from Keith’s blog about ‘Why singing is good for you and your marketing ideas’ I was inspired to write about the benefits of running which is something I’m passionate about.
A year ago I joined a learn-to-sing course run by my local choir. An audition followed and I’m now a full member.
And today, 17 July 2018 is @WorldEmojiDay – the fifth annual global celebration of emojis!
The offices of NHS Creative has received its last fax. That familiar ‘BEEP!’ after the scrolling of the paper reel has been an occasional novelty sound in our studio for as long as I can remember, but it’s now firmly a thing of the past.
This photo was taken at the launch event of a truly unique and highly creative campaign entitled: ‘Help Aggie the Alien find her way around the NHS’.
…or how I set about animating the second Mo movie, and took inspiration from a source close to home! The Meet Mo campaign has been produced to encourage people who may be struggling with medicines to seek help. So far, the first film launched back in September 2017, has been viewed...
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